Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Q7) 7. Write a Menu Driver Program to add, display, update, delete and exit in a student database containing Student_id,Student_name,Course through Python-MongoDB connectivity

from pymongo import MongoClient


# Connect to MongoDB

client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")

db = client["StudentDatabase"]

collection = db["Students"]


def add_student():

    student_id = input("Enter Student ID: ")

    student_name = input("Enter Student Name: ")

    course = input("Enter Course: ")


    student_data = {

        "Student_id": student_id,

        "Student_name": student_name,

        "Course": course



    result = collection.insert_one(student_data)

    print("Student added with ID:", result.inserted_id)


def display_students():

    students = collection.find()

    for student in students:

        print("Student ID:", student["Student_id"])

        print("Student Name:", student["Student_name"])

        print("Course:", student["Course"])

        print("-" * 20)


def update_student():

    student_id = input("Enter Student ID to update: ")

    new_course = input("Enter new Course: ")


    result = collection.update_one({"Student_id": student_id}, {"$set": {"Course": new_course}})

    if result.modified_count > 0:

        print("Student record updated successfully")


        print("No student found with the given ID")


def delete_student():

    student_id = input("Enter Student ID to delete: ")


    result = collection.delete_one({"Student_id": student_id})

    if result.deleted_count > 0:

        print("Student record deleted successfully")


        print("No student found with the given ID")


while True:


    print("1. Add Student")

    print("2. Display Students")

    print("3. Update Student")

    print("4. Delete Student")

    print("5. Exit")


    choice = input("Enter your choice: ")


    if choice == "1":


    elif choice == "2":


    elif choice == "3":


    elif choice == "4":


    elif choice == "5":

        print("Exiting program")



        print("Invalid choice. Please select again.")

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